Quote Originally Posted by mhosea View Post
Great review.

For me the 146 is the perfect pen, with the Pelikan M800 close behind.

In fact, in a pen cup next to a regular gold-trim 146, it takes me a second or two to distinguish which is which, and it’s really the size, not the trim, that does it.
There's a size difference compared to a regular 146?

As for tinkering, I have no desire to tinker with my 146's, but I like a lubricated piston, and I made a tool out of the handle of a binder clip to remove the pistons on my 149's and 146's. Except for one, it is adequate, but I have a stubborn 146. I bought a wrench (from China) for $13 + $15 = $28 shipped. Fits great. Works great on the other 146's, but I'm starting to worry that my stubborn one might actually be glued in. I'm not about to force it because it's fine if I treat it with glycerin water occasionally.
Thank you. Yes, the 146 is a bit shorter than the LeGrand -- both the body and the cap, too.

I'm with you about the tinkering. I'm okay with not having access. The truth is, I haven't needed to. But it's nice knowing there's an after-market wrench to get at the piston, if I ever have issues.